GDPR takes the GDPR extremely seriously and hereby provides full transparency in regards to data collection, data keeping and processing.

Data Collection

When a publisher signs up to he/she provides an email address, additional information can be filled out as well in the publisher profile. does not buy user data from any 3rd parties and all the information collects is collected via registering in the site.

How the data is being used will never send out unsolicited emails to its users, and will never use the emails users provide upon registration for any marketing purposes. will only contact the publishers for important issues such as payments, fraud issues, and any matters that require an immediate attention from the publisher’s end.

Is the information stored with secured? is doing its utmost to ensure the information provided is saved securely and will never share this information with any other party without the publisher consent. The information the publishers provide is not accessible to them, and is saved on a secured server with encryption.

Transparency about provides an offerwall that publishers (mainly GPT website/app owners) can add to their website/app in order to monetize their products by having the wall installed in their website/app and their users would be able to complete the offers and get paid for them. By nature, does not expect normal users (non-publishers) to sign up in the site, since the website is intended for publishers to sign up, however users can sign up if they wish and respects anyone who signs up without making any distinction between publishers or not. In another words the website is open and visible for everyone.

Data Processing

As mentioned before, does not interact via emails with publishers except for issues where both sides should expect communication (e.g. fraud, payments etc.) - thus the data saved with KiwiWall is kept in servers without being shared or processed to any other organization or a 3rd party.